Thursday, June 5, 2008

Random stuff

Just some random things I'll like to get off my chest:

On the "Crabs in a barrel" saying:

Many people like to use the term "crabs in a barrel" to refer to how people (usually Black folks or any other "minority") like to keep each other down.  These same folks seem to fail to realize that crabs didn't put themselves in the barrel in the first place.  I don't know what really goes on in the mind of a crab, but I do believe that going from being free in a spacious ocean to being placed in a cramped container in order to be eaten later is not one of the crab's goals in life. 

On the saying "You can lead a horse to water....":

It's true that you can lead a horse to water but can't force it to drink.  But you have to lead it to the water in the first place.......

On depending on others for happiness:

If you depend on others for your own happiness, go all the way.  Depend on others to breath for you, use the bathroom for you, and etc.

On violence:
Violence is not just the explicit kind that we hear about on the news all the time like murder, rape, and etc.  Implicit violence (at least to me) is just as bad; having no trust in yourself and the universe creates the inner chaos necessary for the explicit violence to originate in the first place.