Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Discomfort Zone

Long time no post.....but I post on this blog when I have the urge to just rant (hopefully in a constructive way.) Although blogs are nice when it comes to folks expressing their views, blogs need to be seen as they conversations. Which is why I blog once in a blue moon.

Anyway I wrote a composition a few years ago called The Discomfort Zone. The title was inspired by my ongoing soul-work and how sometimes you have to deal with your demons if you really expect to mature as a human being. Many people seem to reach a certain point in life and just settle down and chill for the rest of their lives....nothing really wrong with that if that's your thing. But some of us are still "be-coming" who we are and need to work hard just to "be" who we really deserve to be, which is human. We weren't put on Earth to be slaves, hoes, tricks, or etc., but sadly many folks believed in the hype and accept their fate instead of pushing for what they rightfully deserve in their lifetime.

The Discomfort Zone is that place where it seems like no-man's land, but it's really buried treasure inside your soul. Only you can go there; not your family, friends, or anyone else who may try and persuade you NOT to be your true self and want you to be like what THEY are comfortable with. Some of their advice may be cool, but YOU are the only one who has to live with yourself 24/7. Since some folks like to put others before themselves, they tend to do everything to AVOID dealing with what's the most important thing, which is discovering THEIR TRUE ESSENCE. Once you get to that point, dealing with life becomes a FUN struggle instead of just oscillating between feeling good and hating on others (whether it's hating on others who seem to be doing better than you or hating on others who hate you for doing whatever you think makes you better than others.)